Since September 2015, over the course of approximately ten years, we have dedicated ourselves to the advancement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). During this time, we have achieved significant milestones, including breaking the first SDG-related Guinness World Record and receiving several awards and recognitions. We collaborate with institutions, corporations, brands, and government agencies such as Sotheby’s, agnès b., the United Nations Organization, The Salvation Army, The Charles K. Kao Foundation, among others, who share our commitment to the SDGs. Recently, our representative completed an intensive training program at the United Nations Office in Geneva. As a representative of UNGP, we have obtained our first NGO badge recognized by the United Nations. We are on the verge of another significant milestone, which will be announced to the public on July 13th 2024. Please stay tuned for further details.
自2015年9月起,我們投入了約10年的時間來致力於聯合國可持續發展目標(UN SDGs)的工作。期間,我們曾創下了第一個SDGs的健力士世界紀錄,並獲得了多個獎項及認可。我們與蘇富比拍賣行、agnès b.、聯合國組織、救世軍、高錕慈善基金會等機構、企業、品牌和政府機構合作,他們與我們同樣關注SDGs。最近,我們的代表在聯合國日內瓦辦事處完成了一場密集式培訓。作為UNGP的代表,我們獲得聯合國認可的非政府組織徽章。我們即將迎來另一個新的里程碑,詳情將於2024年7月向公眾宣布,敬請密切關注。
#UNGP #GlobalImpact #nonprofit #Global #takingaction #17Goals #NoPoverty #nohunger #goodhealth #QualityEducation #genderequality #cleanwater #AffordableEnergy #economics #innovation #ReducedInequalities #sustainableliving #responsibleconsumption #climatechange #LifeBelowWater #LifeOnLand #peace #justice #partnership #sothebys #agnesb #charleskkao #salvationarmy #ungp4sdgs #SDGs #sustainability #UnitedNations #Guinness #Agenda2030